Early Automobile History Trivia Quiz 0 | 1 / 11 This automotive designer was an Our Gang Little Rascal? Harley Earl Bill Mitchell Richard Teague Richard Teague played the role of Dixie Duval, a girl and appeared in five episodes. Richard Teague played the role of Dixie Duval, a girl and appeared in five episodes. 2 / 11 Louis Chevrolet paced an Indy 500 race, however not in a Chevrolet or GM product? True False Louis Chevrolet paced the 1926 Indy 500 race, however he drove a 1926 Chrysler Imperial 80. He never paced another Indy 500 race. Louis Chevrolet paced the 1926 Indy 500 race, however he drove a 1926 Chrysler Imperial 80. He never paced another Indy 500 race. 3 / 11 He hired Walter Chrysler to become Buick's production chief? Henry B. Joy Charles Nash George Mason Charles Nash hired Walter Chrysler to become Buick's chief production officer. Both Nash and Chrysler would later form their own automobile companies: Nash and Chrysler Corp. Charles Nash hired Walter Chrysler to become Buick's chief production officer. Both Nash and Chrysler would later form their own automobile companies: Nash and Chrysler Corp. 4 / 11 Two of these companies (at different times) owned the Electric Auto-Lite 'Autolite'? check two of these Packard Checker Willys Ford Motor Electric Auto-Lite was purchased by Willys in 1914 and then by the Ford Motor Company in 1961. Electric Auto-Lite was purchased by Willys in 1914 and then by the Ford Motor Company in 1961. 5 / 11 This car company was the first to feature warning lights rather than gauges? Packard Chevrolet Ford Essex Both the 1932 Hudson and Essex were the first to feature warning lights. Both the 1932 Hudson and Essex were the first to feature warning lights. 6 / 11 These two companies merged to form American Motors? check the two, which apply Nash Hudson Kaiser Jeep Packard Hudson and Nash merged in 1954 to form American Motors. AMC acquired Jeep in 1970. Hudson and Nash merged in 1954 to form American Motors. AMC acquired Jeep in 1970. 7 / 11 Jack Benny used this vehicle in the cartoon "The Mouse that Jack Built?" Huppmobile Stuzt Maxwell Jack Benny owned a drove a decades old Maxwell. Jack Benny owned a drove a decades old Maxwell. 8 / 11 Early Ford's were powered by? Continental Dodge Selton The Dodge Brothers provided engines and other parts for early Ford vehicles. The Dodge Brothers provided engines and other parts for early Ford vehicles. 9 / 11 Billy Durant and Henry Ford both died in what year? 1947 1945 1943 Billy Durant died at 85 and Henry Ford aged 83 in 1947. Billy Durant died at 85 and Henry Ford aged 83 in 1947. 10 / 11 Studebaker and what other car company merged together? Nash Hudson Packard Studebaker-Packard Corporation was formed in 1954 and located in Detroit, Michigan. Studebaker-Packard Corporation was formed in 1954 and located in Detroit, Michigan. 11 / 11 The Three Musketeers were hired away by Walter Chrysler from what company? Studebaker Graham Paige Willys-Overland Walter Chrysler hired engineers Frederick Morrell Zeder, Owen Ray Skelton, and Carl Breer away from Studebaker. Walter Chrysler hired engineers Frederick Morrell Zeder, Owen Ray Skelton, and Carl Breer away from Studebaker. Your score is The average score is 68% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Photo: Florida Memory – Flickr: Fifty-six carloads of new 1958 Ramblers, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17020981