1 / 10

German Laws Are Strictly Legislated To Keep Young People Away From Alcohol.

2 / 10

It's Legal To Drink Alcohol And Drive In Germany ?

3 / 10

This Beer Is Often Referred To As A Champaign Beer ?

4 / 10

During Oktoberfest, Beers Must At Least Contain This % Of Alcohol ?

5 / 10

Starting At Age 14, Germans Are Allowed To Drink Beer Or Wine In Public Places Such As Bars ?

6 / 10

You Cannot Purchase Alcohol On Good Friday Or All Saints' Day In Germany ?

7 / 10

There Is No German Law Preventing Underage Drinking While In A Private Residence ?

8 / 10

Many German Provinces/States Leaves The Opening And Closing Times Of Bars At The Discretion Of the Owner ?

9 / 10

The Bavarian Reinheitsgebot Stipulated ?

10 / 10

Starting at Age 16, Germans Are Allowed To Drink Distilled Spirits (vodka, gin, rum, tequila, whisky, etc.) In a Public Place?

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The average score is 37%
