1 / 10

Which of these were part of the original 13-colonies?

2 / 10

Spectators brought handkerchiefs to beheadings in France to do what ?

3 / 10

At the end of World War II, the Russians ran out of this alcoholic beverage?

4 / 10

In 1644, Oliver Cromwell banned the outright consumption of pie, which lasted for 16-years.

Lord Oliver Cromwell statue outside Palace of Westminster in London

5 / 10

Captain Morgan was originally from where ?

6 / 10

One of the original purposes of the Graham cracker ?

7 / 10

At one time, Pink was considered a masculine color ?

8 / 10

Before being looted by the Goths, the Roman Colosseum was originally covered with what?

9 / 10

The first person to patent a motor vehicle ?

10 / 10

A female Roman Gladiator is called what ?

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